Privacy Policy for [Jordan Powers Photography]

Effective date: 8/8/23

1. Information We Collect

When you visit our site, we automatically gather information about your device, including your web browser, IP address, and cookies. We also track which pages you view on our website and your interactions with them using pixels and analytics tools.

2. Why We Collect Information

  • Enhance User Experience: To improve your experience on our website and ensure it functions correctly.
  • Analysis and Site Improvement: To analyze user behavior, which helps us enhance our website.
  • Business Operations: For business operations such as order processing, responding to inquiries, or providing services.

3. Sharing Your Information

Your privacy is crucial to us. We do not sell or rent your information. However, we might share some data with third-party services like our analytics tool providers to help us understand our website’s usage better.

4. Cookies and Pixels

Cookies are small files stored on your device. We use cookies to ensure our website functions as intended and to collect analytics data. Pixels, often used in conjunction with cookies, help us understand user behavior.

You can opt to disable cookies in your browser, but this might affect how our website works for you.

5. Your Rights

You have the right to know what personal information we have about you, request corrections, or ask for it to be deleted.

6. Changes to This Policy

Occasionally, we might update this policy. Any changes will be communicated on this page.

7. Contact

For questions about this policy or your information, reach out at [Insert Email Address] or [Insert Mailing Address].